What is the Catholic Foundation of Southern Minnesota?
The Catholic Foundation of Southern Minnesota supports parishes, schools and ministries with the
necessary resources to be vibrant centers of faith and service in southern Minnesota and to assist
faithful Catholics in fulfilling their stewardship
Since its founding in 1991, the Foundation has faithfully managed and distributed contributions
according to donors’ wishes in areas of greatest need in the wider community. The
Foundation stands as a Center for Catholic Philanthropy across southern
Minnesota and beyond in service of Catholic Responsible Investing and sophisticated planned
giving that celebrates our Catholic identity.
Over the life of the Foundation, nearly $80 Million has been stewarded back into the southern
Minnesota community. This is the direct result of the generosity of Catholics like you.
What do you mean by ‘foundation’?
Our foundation is a public charity established to serve Catholic charitable interests throughout
southern Minnesota. Donors have the option of creating funds in support of their interests with
respect to the foundation’s purpose. Currently, the Catholic
Foundation of Southern Minnesota stewards 158+ different funds each in alignment with Catholic means
and ends. Donors are able to designate which organizations will benefit through a restricted
gift, or they may make an unrestricted gift in support
of the overall mission of the Foundation. Since all funds are invested, the funds continue to grow
so that over time more and more charitable causes will benefit from the donors’ gifts.
What comprises the Foundation portfolio?
Our current holdings total more than $41 million. The Foundation administers the following campaigns and appeals: Seeds of Faith, Catholic Ministries Appeal, Seminarian Education Fund, Hearts on Fire, Ann Loomis/Ann Loomis Cuddapah and parish capital campaigns. In addition to these fundraising efforts, the portfolio contains parish, school and cemetery endowments, as well as restricted and unrestricted gifts made by individual donors.
What are some of the causes funded by the 70 funds?
Seminarian Education
Foreign Mission
Higher Education Tuition Assistance
Hispanic Education Tuition Assistance
Catholic Education Tuition Assistance
Faith Formation
Clergy Formation
Individual Charitable Trusts and Annuities
And more!
Gifts of perpetuity will ensure the longevity of our Catholic Church throughout southern
Minnesota. As more and more Catholics pray about and answer their call to stewardship, the list
of supported causes will grow.
Why would a donor use the Catholic Foundation of Southern Minnesota to make his/her
charitable gifts?
Here are several reasons why we can help you fulfill your stewardship calling:
We practice Catholic Responsible Investing (CRI), an investment strategy designed specifically
to help Catholic institutions pursue their missions by providing sound financial returns while
remaining faithful to the teachings of the Church.
We offer a higher return on investment than what most banks and CDs can offer.
A gift made to CFSM is tax-deductible, as we are a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, and in
many cases, there is no capital gains tax on gifts of appreciated securities and/or property.
You retain the flexibility to create a fund tailored to your charitable interests.
We adhere to public accountability in our annual reports certified by independent auditors that
our funds are being used for charitable purposes.
Your funds are kept safe from legal actions against individual charities/organizations.
You receive access to our professional network of financial and legal advisors for guidance on
planned giving.
You save costs on administration, investment management, and grant activities, since funds
are combined into larger pools.
You gain the satisfaction of knowing your charitable interests will be supported for generations
to come.
What is planned giving in a nutshell?
Planned giving is a way for you to integrate your personal, financial and estate planning goals by
making lifetime or testamentary charitable gifts. Some common types of planned gifts are:
Bequest – a gift made through your will, trust or life insurance policy
Charitable Gift Annuity – You make a gift of cash or property to us, and we agree to make
fixed payments for one or two lives.
Life Estate Reserved – You transfer your personal residence or farm to us and retain the
right to use the property for your lifetime.
If our parish wants to set up an Endowment, how can the Foundation help us?
We will work closely with you to secure the Endowment option that meets your expectations. You
can rest assured that you are in good hands with us as we provide you with investment and
administrative services, stewardship and development assistance and planning, planned giving and
access to Lumen Christi Society benefits, and greater exposure to the philanthropic community of
southern Minnesota. Contact us today to schedule a presentation at your parish: 507.858.1275.
Can I give with my IRA?
IRA Required Minimum Distribution
Impact your Catholic Community & benefit from an IRA required minimum
distribution gift
If you are aged 70½ or older, you have the opportunity to save on taxes and
make a charitable rollover gift from your IRA. With a direct transfer from your
traditional IRA to a qualified charity, you satisfy your minimum required distribution
for the year. IRA Charitable Rollover transfers are income
IRA Charitable Rollover Fast Facts:
You must be 70 ½ and older.
Transfers must be made directly from the IRA to a qualified
Your taxable income can be reduced by up to $108,000, the maximum
Only traditional IRA accounts are eligible. The IRA Charitable Rollover
cannot be used with other retirement plans such as a 401(k), 403(b) or a SEP
Transfers cannot be made to Donor-Advised Funds, Charitable Gift Annuities,
or other life-income arrangements.
Contact your IRA administrator to begin this process. Please provide the
following information:
The Catholic Foundation of Southern Minnesota
750 Terrace Heights, Suite 105
Winona, MN 55987
Tax ID# 41-1691198
Contact: Executive Director (507) 858-1276
For gifts designated for the benefit of a specific endowment fund, parish, school,
cemetery or field of interest please contact The Catholic Foundation of Southern