Parish Resources

2025 Catholic Ministries Appeal

Bulletin & Newsletter Announcements

Our Catholic faith is universal – one teaching, one Church and one Body of Christ. From cradle to grave each of us learns of and experiences this faith most immediately and intimately in our local parish. The Bishop, as teacher of the faith, has the responsibility to assure that lifelong formation is a priority in the parishes and that the faithful are afforded opportunities to grow in the life of Christ through prayer and by experiences, reflections and studies. Critical to these efforts are faith-filled and competent catechetical and pastoral ministers.

Bulletin Inserts - Color


Bulletin Inserts - Black & White


Weekends 1-2 (February 15/16 and February 22/23)

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Text only: Thanks to you, twenty-five men are currently discerning a call to the priesthood. Nearly 4,500 students in our Catholic schools are being formed in lives of faith and virtue. Additionally, hundreds of students on our college campuses receive formation as disciples of Christ, with the help of Newman Centers and FOCUS missionaries. Please give generously to this year’s Appeal.

To give online, visit

Weekends 3-4 (March 1/2 and March 8/9)

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Text only: Heavenly Father, may we grow closer to Christ through our support of the 2025 Catholic Ministries Appeal. We thank you, Lord, for Your many blessings You have bestowed upon us. We cherish the gifts of time, talent and treasure that each member of our universal Church family makes to build up Christ’s Church in love. We ask you, Lord, to send us forth in this spirit of love to serve our communities and our world with open hearts. Amen.

To give online, visit

Weekends 5-6 (March 15/16 and March 22/23)

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Text only: our generosity to the Catholic Ministries Appeal from year to year is so greatly appreciated! You are making a difference in our Catholic community through faith-enriching ministries that take place throughout each year. Your gift makes a direct impact in supporting these ministries that are leading people closer to Christ.

To give online, visit

Weekends 7-8 (March 29/30 and April 5/6)

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Text only: Through your support, the Catholic Ministries Appeal funds diocesan-led ministries throughout the 20 counties of southern Minnesota. Thank you for providing opportunities to thousands of people to draw closer to Christ because of your generosity. If you haven’t already contributed, please return your CMA pledge card or give online at Our Parish Goal is $_____________We have received $_____________from ______________ parishioners.

Weekends 9-10 (April 12/13 and April 19/20)

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Text only: The Catholic Ministries Appeal offers a unique opportunity for you to give back to the God of Love, from whom all things are given. Grow closer to Christ by doing your part to build up the Kingdom of Godin southern Minnesota. The Appeal funds ministries to invite more than 38,000 households each year to encounter Christ and embrace His Church.

To give online, visit

Weekends 11-12 (April 26/27 and May 3/4)

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Text only: Thank you for your generosity! Our Parish Goal is $_____________We have received $_____________from _____________ parishioners. To date, _____________% of our parishioners have contributed. If you haven’t already contributed, please return your CMA pledge card today, or give online at Reminder: 100% of all funds raised over our goal are returned to our parish.