In 2013, the Rooted In Faith – Rejoice in Hope campaign was launched and over $26.3 million was pledged to strengthen the priest retirement fund, upgrade and renovate the Immaculate Heart of Mary Seminary, provide support for the 2013 Catholic Ministries Appeal and fund individual parish projects with a portion of the proceeds.
Donors increased the permanent endowment for priest retirement to cover healthcare costs and pension benefits. Donors strengthened the priest retirement fund so that the principal (corpus) remains untouched and less vulnerable to economic uncertainties. Our priests of today and tomorrow will receive the care and support they need and deserve. In addition, because of the funds raised, we were able to reduce parish assessments.
Donors made it possible to modernize and update the existing seminary buildings, making them “barrier-free accessible” for any resident or visitor and safe for our men. New space was added for classrooms and administrative space to adequately accommodate the rigorous Program of Priestly Formation. Donors made it possible to replace existing heating systems and add fresh air ventilation to create a dramatically more efficient and effective heating, cooling and air movement system for healthier living. Plumbing and electrical systems were upgraded to meet building code requirements. Also, building security and information technology was updated so that seminarians have access to the tools necessary to meet the demands of education and formation today and in the future. Visit the Immaculate Heart of Mary Seminary website for updates to construction progress.
Parishes received 25% of dollars raised during the campaign to address parish needs determined by your pastor and parish leadership. Parishes that exceeded its fundraising goal received 75% of each additional dollar raised.